Hollywoodbets Greyville
Rc No Horse   O.P. S.P. Fin Comment Date Crs Class Dist Jockey
1 3 FEEL THE WIND Beaten,Backed In 6/1 5/1 4 Speedy-no extra late 24.08.04 S MP-3F 1000 Godden T
1 9 LADY OF VIX Beaten,Backed In 8/1 13/2 3 Speedy-stayed on 24.07.17 S MP-F 1000 Thackeray M
2 1 MIND MAP Beaten,Backed In 8/1 3/1 13 Never showed 24.08.03 K OM 1400 Schwarz D
2 2 RIVER DANCE Beaten,Backed In 40/1 33/1 7 Handy-lacked finish 24.08.11 D MP-3 1200 Hlengwa S
2 7 CANNATONIC Beaten,Backed In 16/1 7/2 2 Flyjumped-stayed on 24.07.31 G CndMd 1000 Pillay D
4 6 PRICELESS PEARL Beaten,Backed In 25/1 10/1 4 Handy-stayed on 24.09.27 G MP 2000 Dicken C F
5 2 L'ULTIMO Winner,Backed Fav 8/1 3/1 1 Handy-brushed 300m 24.09.27 G MR65 1400 Venniker R A
5 7 COUNT MARSH Beaten,Backed In 8/1 15/2 8 Handy-wide-no extra 24.09.27 G MR65 1400 Pillay D
5 9 BASIE RAAKVAT Beaten,Backed In 25/1 16/1 6 Stayed on at finish 24.10.09 G MR67 1600 Pillay D
6 2 CHELSEA FLOWER Beaten,Backed In 16/1 7/1 6 Handy-hung in 400m 24.10.16 G FM73 1200 Venniker R A
6 3 ASPOESTERTJIE Beaten,Backed In 25/2 9/2 9 Not striding out 24.09.25 D FM68 1400 Moodley S
6 6 THE GHOST Winner,Backed-Fav 7/10 5/10 1 Drew off-speedy cut 24.09.15 S MP-F 1200 Khumalo S
7 2 PERFECT TRUST Beaten,Backed In 15/2 4/1 5 Set pace-no extra 24.10.09 G FM66 1200 Zackey C
7 4 GINGER DELIGHT Beaten,Favourite 5/2 4/1 3 Stayed on at finish 24.08.21 V FM65 1600 Habib C
7 6 I'M DEVINE Winner,Backed In 20/1 16/1 1 Handy-cruised in 24.06.26 G MH-F 1400 Venniker R A
7 7 BLUSH OF DAWN Beaten,Favourite 9/4 33/10 6 Jmp awk-handy-no xtr 24.10.09 G FM66 1200 Pillay D

Rc No Horse  
5 1 FOREST JUMP Distance Winner, 3 from 20.
6 4 MISS PAGET Distance Winner, 3 from 8.
7 8 MISS LIALAH Distance Winner, 5 from 19.

Rc No Horse  
2 1 MIND MAP Gelded 2024.08.15.
2 8 GOOD LIVING Gelded 2024.09.14.
6 1 RADU Changed stables from TARRY S G to WHITEHEAD W - 2024.07.18.
7 4 GINGER DELIGHT Changed stables from PETER T to KANNEMEYER D - 2024.08.21.

The Specialists indicates all horses racing at today's meeting that have achieved at least one of the following:
Won two races over today's course and distance;
Won three races at today's course (over any distance);
Won three races over today's distance (at any course).

Important Changes refer to change of trainer, or changes to equipment, between the horse's previous run and today's ONLY. Equipment changes refer to horses now racing with blinkers or alumites that did NOT race with them the previous time out.

All information on these pages is © Copyright Winning Form 2024
Previous update : Wednesday, October 23, 2024 00:52:01